
We Help Unlock Your Paddling Potential

meet Your Instructor

Noah Christenson,
A Lifelong Paddler and Educator

Noah brings a wealth of knowledge and an infectious enthusiasm to every session. With over a decade of experience in the outdoor recreation industry, Noah's comprehensive training ensures a safe, educational, and exhilarating experience on the water. His approach goes beyond teaching techniques; it instills confidence and stewardship in every paddler.

Diverse Instruction Experience

Noah has a robust background in outdoor education, having served as a river ranger, private ski instructor, professional guide, paddlesports instructor, and operations manager with multiple organizations. His expertise spans age groups, skill levels, and paddle disciplines.

Extensive Certifications

Noah holds a degree in Natural Resources Management from the University of Idaho, as well as several advanced certifications highlighting his commitment to safety and professional development in outdoor recreation. Certifications include:  ACA Oar Raft Instructor Level 5, ACA Swiftwater Rescue Instructor Level 4, ACA Paddle Raft Instructor Level 4, ACA Kayak Instructor Level 4, PSIA Alpine Level 3, and Wilderness First Responder.

Headshot of Noah Christenson, owner and instructor of Star Valley Raft & Paddle
Why Choose Us

Discover the Advantages of Paddling with Us

Where Personal Growth Meets Adventure: The Unique Benefits of Our Paddlesports Programs


Tailored, one-on-one instruction that supports your personal development and accelerates your skill acquisition.

Confidence & Empowerment

Build confidence through skill mastery that also empowers you to tackle life's challenges with newfound confidence and resilience.

Supportive Community

Become part of a supportive paddling community that enhances connections, teamwork, and a sense of belonging.

Environmental Awareness

Develop a connection with nature and environmental stewardship through responsible paddlesport practices.

Eligibility & Risk

Water is as beautiful as it is powerful and deserves our respect as much as our admiration. Our goal at Star Valley Raft & Paddle is to equip each and every one of our guests with the skills to safely explore and discover our big, wonderfully wet world. Because waterways are dynamic environments, our classrooms are dynamic spaces that are not free of risk. While we do our best to create experiences and situations with known and desired outcomes, that cannot be guaranteed.

Due to the inherent risks associated with participation in paddlesports, all guests must sign an acknowledgement of risk form. If you are considering participating in one of our courses, we encourage you to do your own research and consult friends, family, and medical professionals regarding if these experiences are right for you. Below are the American Canoe Association standard Essential Eligibility Criteria to help guide your decision.

Potential participants must be able to:


Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing)


Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water


Independently hold head upright without neck / head support


Manage personal care independently or with assistance of a companion


Manage personal mobility independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance


Follow instructions and effectively communicate independently or with assistance of a companion


Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up while wearing a properly fitted life jacket


Get on / off or in / out of a paddlecraft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance


Independently get out and from under a capsized paddlecraft


Remount or reenter the paddlecraft following deep water capsize independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance


Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities and rescues listed in the appropriate Course Outline, and have the ability to recognize and identify to others when such efforts would be unsafe given your personal situation

View Acknowledgement of Risk Form